I am FINALLY pretty well moved into my new sewing room. I LOVE it! (Note the view of Chicken Manor.)
By the way, I am listening to the most entertaining book,
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society . My local library has a "ebranch" where I can check out audiobooks and download them onto my mp3 player. I can then listen to a book while I am sewing. That
could be part of the reason I stayed up so late last night/this morning. :)
Here is a quote from the book, a woman from Guernsey talking to a girl about her prize-winning essay about being afraid of chickens:
"I'd like to read it, too, chickens being the reason I fell off a henhouse roof. They chased me there. How they all came at me with their razor lips and back-to-back eyeballs. People don't know how chickens can turn on you, but they can, just like mad dogs."I had to laugh! Chickens can turn on you, but it was the "razor lips" part that got me.
As long as you are very slow and deliberate in your movements, chickens are fine. But if you make too sudden a move, they panic. There is a real basis in fact for "Chicken Little"!
Last night I started sewing nine-patches together from Mary Engelbreit's Recipe for Friendship charm packs.

I don't know exactly why, but looking at these little squares just makes me smile.
Then I added a row to the bottom of the nine-patches.

These steaming cups of coffee make me smile, too.

And the vintage children with their toys and donkeys.

And most especially the sock monkeys!

Happy, happy!
Have a great day.
Hugs and kisses,