I am SO thankful for the rain we've had lately, and so are all the growing things in our yard. The flowers and trees and gardens are all so much happier this summer than they were this time last year.
Here's a closer look at the Angel's Trumpets outside our back door. You really have to be quick to get any photos taken because as well as the trees and plants and flowers, the mosquito population has also been happy with the rain. They are fat and sassy, and there are a LOT of them! As I saw on Pinterest, it's too bad mosquitoes don't suck fat instead of blood. Seriously, they would have taken a few pounds at least off me by now.
So, this is another view from inside where it's safer. lol
There is progress on the string quilt. Those flower cuts are just sort of sitting there right now. Still thinking about them. And I've got more. I sort of like them. What do you think?
And while I know it's not the best example, I did have fun playing around with some of my smaller strings last night. That's batting peeping out beneath it. I'll maybe get it quilted tonight. Should make a pretty good mug rug, huh?
I just clipped Chloe's claws. Can you tell that she is NOT amused?
There have been some things going on in our lives that have not been pleasant in the least. Nothing any of us have done, just what's being done to us and by people that we've loved and trusted. Oh well.....
Sewing is good therapy, as so many of us have discovered.
Hope you're being treated well and having fun!
Hugs and kisses,