The twenty-first is winding down, and Christmas Day will be here before we know it. As you can see, my Christmas cactus has decided to bloom right on time. There are several others in bloom as well.
We got such a fun package in the mail today from my sister and her husband. We had a good time exploring all the goodies in the box, but my favorite has to be this sock monkey mug. It is making me happy right now being filled with hot tea!

You might have noticed that I like sock monkeys. Just a little bit. And that they seem to find their way into lots of the quilts I make. What can I say? They just make me smile, and I figure they might do the same for someone else. Smiles are good.
This pretty little tote bag showed up here last week from my friend Sheila. Beautiful construction work she did. I shall enjoy using it. Matter of fact it has a small crochet project in it right now!
I got another package today. This was from my friend Deb, aka Wonky Girl. Look at this gorgeous fabric! Oh the fun we'll have together! Blog friends are such a blessing to me!
I have completed twenty of these star blocks and cut the sashing strips. Soon, this too will grow into a quilt.
This one has grown into a quilt, but it has not had its binding added yet. I need to get busy.
This is a busy time of year for us all, isn't it. Our baby girl Mary will here Wednesday! We can hardly wait. We are all looking forward to a Christmas feast here on Friday.
I hope your plans and projects are all lining up happily and that you are taking time to just enjoy the season. We are so blessed to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus!
Hugs and kisses,