Saturday, March 8, 2025

And So It Goes

Toward the end of February I just got fed up with winter. I found this panel in my stash and quilted it and hung it in the den. Mr. Muddling and I have truly enjoyed this little glimpse of beach-y beauty. Sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands.
I made this little quilt for the children at our church. The sweet lady in charge told me they really enjoyed the last two I made. They like to put them on the floor and sit on them as they do their activities and listen to stories.
I made this one to go along with it. I hope they love them!
In my ramblings around blogland I noticed this quilt on Jo's Country Junction. It is called Brick House and you can find directions for it here
Why do I keep starting new projects? Who can I blame?
I NEED to get back to the log cabin quilt. What can I say, I was sidetracked.
I am really loving the Mary Engelbreit daily calendar I got for this year. This page for today and tomorrow explains a lot.
I hope you are having lots of fun and doing things you enjoy.
There are so many things always for which to be grateful.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Hugs and kisses,






Saturday, February 15, 2025

Pink and Green

A very sweet young lady at our church recently had her eighteenth birthday. You know I couldn't let that go by without a quilt. I asked what colors she would like and this is the result.
The backing is this solid flannel.
Here it is all folded up in its gift bag.
She loved it, and I do, too! She is such a lady, if you can even say that nowadays, and this suits her personality.
I've done a little cutting with the Studio cutter for my friend Sandy and the ladies in her sewing group. They want to make more of the potato chip blocks.
This is on my design wall. I think this may be about a quarter of the way. It's going to be a queen size for some friends of ours. 
This is my cheering section. It is so encouraging to look over and see they are all rooting for me! (I know, but sometimes I just have to amuse myself!!!)

In other news, we are bracing for another round of the polar vortex. We'll have to get out there and re-wrap all the plants we uncovered and bring lots of things inside again. Oh, well, life IS an adventure, isn't it?
There are so many things in the world I cannot do one little thing about. I've decided that the Lord is much smarter than I am, so I'm going to let HIM handle it!
Hope you are all staying warm, or cool according to your location!
I am so glad to count you as my friends, and I"m thankful you still enjoy reading my ramblings from time to time!
Hugs and kisses,




Saturday, January 18, 2025

Quilts 2024


Here are the quilts I made in 2024. I am so thankful for the blessings of a good husband who supports me in all I do and for the supplies and fabrics to have lots of fun making quilts!
We have been preparing for the arctic blast due here early in the week. Not looking forward to it at all!
I hope all is well in your part of the world and that you have a wonderful tomorrow!
Hugs and kisses,

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Flower Garden

I am documenting now the pretty things outside. Mainly because I know it will look nothing like this next week. I am not excited about the polar vortex we are promised. I am not a fan of cold weather. However, sometimes you just don't get to choose! LOL!

I've been working on another quilt. I know that is not a big surprise, but I like to document the quilts I make, so here we go. This one is for a special friend of ours. She is such a great blessing to us, and we love her a lot! She gave me a little idea of colors she would like and I've done my best to give her at least some of what she wants. 
For anyone who might be interested, the flower prints are cut into 6 1/2 inch squares and the gray/burgundy quarter square triangle blocks in between are also 6 1/2 inches, turned gray side up in one row and burgundy side up in the next.  There is a 1 1/2 inch burgundy inner border and a 2 1/2 inch outer border of Lotus Blossom, one of my all time favorites in all colorways.

If you want beautiful floral fabrics, it's just really hard to go wrong with Kaffe Fassett/Philip Jacobs designs. They are the best!
So here we have it: FLOWER GARDEN.
I sent my friend Sandy a picture of it on the quilt frame when it was close to being finished and she said, "You made a flower garden". 
That's a pretty good name for it, isn't it!

This was a daily page on my new Mary Engelbreit daily calendar. Not necessarily advocating this, but it did strike me as funny! And sometimes a laugh is a very good thing. 

I hope you are having a good start to this new year. A lot of how it turns out is going to be up to us. Not all, but still a lot. I am going to try to keep a good attitude and to continue to be thankful for all the many good things in my life. They are all from the Lord!

You know, you are some of the good things! I am so thankful for the friends I've made here in blogland! I'm glad we "met"!

Hugs and kisses,