Monday, April 1, 2013

Inside and Out

Inside today the last orchid is about to go, roses from outside are brightening my windowsill and the African violets are about to bloom again.

Lady last night after Daddy gave her a bath.  Isn't that just the sweetest, most innocent little thing you've seen today?
Meanwhile, out in the back yard the dogwood is blooming.  You can see how hard the rain was at some point, the petals are bruised.

The Blaze climbing rose on the back fence is covered with buds and blooms.

Miss Birdy's rose is glorious.  I do not know the correct name for this rose, but I do know that it came from a rose bush well over fifty years old.

The little wild plum trees have an abundance of little green plums.

The red geranium outside my sewing room window is giving me lots of pleasure every time I see it.

Our next door neighbor's banana tree has a very large bunch of bananas started.

And our blackberry vines have various stages of blackberries in the works.
I've been using these blocks as a leader/ender project while I've been working on this quilt.  I had never done that before, but it's a good idea, saves cutting threads so often and gives you a good start on a different project.  I've learned a lot from Bonnie Hunter!
Hope you're having a productive day!
Hugs and kisses,


Nanette Merrill said...

The flowers give me a hope of spring for us at some point soon. I love your leaders/enders project. You're very inspiring.

Susie Swanson said...

I'm amazed at your beautiful spring photos.. We haven't got that far yet.. The dogwoods haven't had a chance to bloom let alone anything else.. Thanks for the pretty post and giving me spring fever.. Can hardly wait.. Blessings

BJ said...

Such loveliness!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Lucky you for getting rain. We are cloudy and chilly right now.......with the hope of rain. Such beautiful things growing around you! Love that pretty quilt!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Your beautiful spring photos are awesome. I just love all of them. How lovely spring is at your home. I also like your lovely quilt very much. Happy Spring!

Melanie said...

Your photos made me hungry for Spring--- Lady is really growing....Never done a bad thing in her life.....probably. Enjoy your weekend.