Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Neverending Turkey

Not really, but it sure seems like it sometimes!

We are having some lovely cooler weather right now, so on Sunday I put a turkey I had bought on sale earlier in the oven to cook while we were at church. Then, when we came home, it was a simple matter to heat up some dressing from the freezer, some succotash, gravy, and voila! a nice little dinner,

complete with some strawberry/banana jello.

Then, Sunday night after church, we had grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches.

Monday, for dinner it was steamed stir fry vegetables with turkey over rice.

This was really good, and for dessert we had the simplest thing in the world to make - a dump cake. I just put a can of cherry pie filling in a cake pan, "dumped" a dry yellow cake mix on top of it and dotted it with pats of butter. Bake at 350 degrees until bubbly and you get a delicious finish to your meal.

Today we had some MORE turkey, cubed, cooked slowly with diced Italian style tomatoes, served over spaghetti noodles, with coleslaw and a wheat roll.

Okay, I'm through now. The rest goes in the freezer.

I think I may have overdone it. I'll wait a while before having turkey again :)!

Have a great evening.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

We Have A Winner! Make That Two....

It is with great joy and happiness that I announce the winners of the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival for Muddling Through:

The beautiful tatted bookmark
goes to Amy , and my notepad/pen holder

goes to Wendy .

Thanks to everyone who left a comment. I hope you all had as good a time as I did. Free is my favorite word!

Have a great weekend!


Friday, April 25, 2008

It's All in How You Look At It

Isn't it funny how you can look at a thing, and see it in a whole new way? I happened to look at my kitchen window a while ago and saw this.

It was so pretty, in an abstract kind of way, that I looked again.

And again.

And then I pulled the shade up, and here is what it really is.

Funny, huh? I like both views. Just never hurts to look at things in a new way, does it?

In other flower news, guess what????? I have buds on my brand new lemon tree! (And really, calling it a tree is stretching it.) I'll be watching that closely. Real live lemons from our own front yard. Wow! I can hardly wait.

These guys are mighty pretty out there, too.

And in craft news, I think I'm working up to another quilt. But this time I will not be quite so ambitious. I'll just do a lap quilt and not a queen size!

Enjoy your day!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tutorial for Notepad/Pen Holder

As promised, I'm going to try to explain how I make the notepad/pen holders like the one I'm giving away in the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival.

To start, here's a materials list:

2 - 8 1/2" X 6 1/4 " pieces of material (This will be your outside covering and inner liner. You can use different materials or the same. I used the bears.)

1 - 8 1/2" X 6 1/4" interfacing (I used the stiffest Pellon I could find for all interfacing.)

1 - 4" X 5" fabric (This is for the pen holder, and you will double this one, right sides together with interfacing below sewn to it.)

1 - 2" X 5" interfacing (See, it matches the pen holder above when it's folded.)

1 - 1 3/4" X 5" fabric for tab to close notepad/pen holder.

1 - 1 1/4" X 2 1/4" interfacing

2 - 4" X 5" fabric for pocket to hold notepad

1 - 3 3/4" X 5" interfacing

2 - 4" X 4" fabric for pocket opposite notepad

1 - 4" X 4" interfacing

(I know I didn't picture these past two

items. What can I say? It was late:))

Okay, to start, take your outer cover fabric and inner liner fabric and put together, right sides facing. Top with interfacing and stitch 1/4" from edge of fabric. I stitch at least twice around and then zig zag on the outer edge of those lines of stitching, leaving about a two inch opening to turn.

You can see in both the front and back sides here if you make the pictures bigger by clicking on them, the opening on the left side.

Turn carefully to the right side, poking out the corners and pressing. Now, top stich all around the edges, cleverly closing the opening you turned it through. Then, quilt however you choose all over the cover.

Repeat this process with each of the other parts of the holder, and you will end up with 5 quilted pieces that look something like this.

I've pictured the handy-dandy ring snaps I like to use, along with the pliers made specially to put them on. Great gadget.

The ring snap with the sticking out part should be attached to the outside portion of the cover. I'm showing you the inside portion because I'm going to cover it up with a pocket.

At the bottom in the picture above is the tab that will close the notepad/pen holder. Attach its ring snap now.

Carefully sew the inside pocket over the ring snap, leaving the top edge open. (It will break your sewing machine needle if you hit it.)

Position the closer tab under the other pocket you're ready to attach to hold your notepad. Be sure the snap closures line up so they will actually close the notepad/pen holder.

Sew around the notepad pocket, leaving the top edge open. It's a good idea to reinforce the area where the tab closer lies between this pocket and the body of the notepad/pen holder.

Now, sew the pen holder to the edges of both the notepad pocket and the pocket opposite, and you're finished!

I know this looks a little complicated, but if you'll take your time and be sure everything lines up, it is really simple.

I made a lot of these last year for Christmas presents, and I carry one in my purse all the time. It's great for grocery/to-do lists. You can put receipts and/or coupons in the pockets, and it doesn't take up a lot of room. I make mine in these dimensions because this size notepad is readily available here. It is easily alterable for whatever size you prefer.

Let me know if you try this. I'd love to know how it goes for you. If you have any questions, I'll try to answer.


Monday, April 21, 2008


Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

It's time again for the quarterly giveaways hosted at Bloggy Giveaways.

In the spirit of fun and giving I have two items I would like to give away.

The first is a handmade (by my neighbor) tatted bookmark. Now this is just awesome to me. Sandy does not have a blog, but she enjoys mine and wanted to have a part in giving, so she made this beautiful bookmark.

The detail on this is just wonderful! She is quite a talented lady.

I will also be giving away this notepad/pen holder that I made.

So that will be two prizes to two different winners. All you have to do is leave me a comment between 7:00 a.m. Monday, April 21st and midnight Friday, April 25th to be entered for the drawing. I will use a random number generator to choose the winners, and I'll post the winners here on Saturday. Isn't that exciting!

I will post a tutorial for the notepad holder some time this week. I finished making it this morning, and the pictures are not the best, but there's not much natural light at 2:00 a.m. :) ;)

Sorry, I can't tell you how she made the bookmark. I have no clue.

Have fun entering all the giveaways!


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Drawstring Bag

Today I finally got around to making another drawstring bag for my daughter. I had made her one several months ago to hold her nebulizer mask (for a breathing treatment she does). I used the tutorial from happythings . I used that same tutorial today. Love it!
I don't know what I did before I discovered the joys of the blog world. Isn't it wonderful that you can look around and find out how to do just about anything? And all because generous people who have figured it out share it with the rest of us! Thank you all!!!

Be sure to check back here next week. It's time for the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival quarterly giveaway! I have something special up my sleeve, so leave a comment any time next week between 7:00 a.m. Monday, April 21st and midnight Friday, April 25th, Central Daylight Time and you'll be registered for my giveaway. I'll be announcing the winner(s) here next Saturday.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chicketti (or whatever you want to call it

Hello! I know I've been absent for a whole week. Lots going on. Our daughter is finally home from the hospital after three and a half weeks there. That's too long. And there are still things that I have to help her with here at home, even though she is 25! I told her I hope she remembers all this when I'm an old lady :).

Today, I'd like to share with you one of our favorite recipes. This recipe belonged to my mother's mother (a phenomenal cook and stretcher of money). She called it "Turketti", because she used it for leftover turkey.
I've used chicken today, but either will work.

First, you take 1 1/4 cup uncooked spagetti and break it in about 2-inch pieces. Bring water to a boil, add spagetti, and then turn heat off and leave in hot water while you're preparing the rest of the ingredients.

Chop 1/4 cup green and red pepper (or whatever color you have) and 1 cup onion.

Chop your leftover chicken or turkey. I used two cups of the chopped chicken today.

Now, combine onion, peppers, chicken, drained cooked spagetti, one can cream of mushroom soup (I like to use the reduced fat variety), 1 soup can chicken broth, and 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese.
Put it all into an ovenproof 2-quart casserole dish and stir to mix well. You can sprinkle a little more shredded cheese on top if you like. (I do!)

Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes, until cheese is melted and mixture is bubbly. You can also cook this in the microwave on full power for about 20 minutes, a good choice on warmer days, or when you're in a hurry.

If you have any left, it also freezes very well!

Have a great evening!


Chicketti on Foodista

Monday, April 7, 2008


When we first moved into this house in 1983, I wanted to grow everything possible in our yard. I was (and still am) an adventurous gardener. I'm willing to try most anything.

One year I noticed these pretty little flowers growing in spots all over the back yard. I liked the way they looked - like little lavender orchids, and decided to let them grow. BIG MISTAKE. That plant almost took over my entire back yard. Now, I know to get rid of them immediately!

I've noticed that sin is a lot like a weed. It may sometimes look pretty, but if we are not ruthless in getting it out of our life, it can quickly take over!

Best to get rid of it before it gets too deeply rooted.

I'm trying to keep my yard and my life clear of weeds. How about you?


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Finished Quilt!!!

I can hardly believe it, but I finally finished this quilt I've been working on for months. What a relief. I am disappointed in the MANY mistakes I've made on it, but it is the first quilt of this type I've made, so I've forgiven myself :).

The quilt on the headboard of our bed is one that belonged to my grandmother. I'm not sure if she made it or her mother, but it is old and precious.

There are many things that I will do differently next time. Yes, I do plan to make another quilt - just not right away!

I have renewed respect and admiration for all the women who so meticulously craft their beautiful quilts. And I do still aspire to do even half as well!
This little baby is one our daughters and I made years ago when they were very young. We sewed the squares together, turned and stuffed them, and then when they were all complete - I zig zagged them on the sewing machine.

It has been a beautiful day here today. We had a little cool front blow in yesterday and we're enjoying some cooler weather.

Have a great evening!
