I've spent the better part of the week at the hospital with our older daughter. She was taken there by ambulance Monday night - difficulty breathing and some other issues. Doctors haven't figured out what's going on yet, so it's a time for patience and a time for believing God's promises.

The bookmark was a surprise left for me this morning by my sweet neighbor. How could she have known that it would be such a perfect time for a nice surprise?

It is tatted, not a skill I've learned, and the intricate detail just blows me away! Thanks, Sandy!
On the plus side, I had plenty of time to finish this little dishrag, and I've started another.

On the minus side - I just feel so helpless to help. Doing little things for her that she cannot do for herself doesn't seem like much. But I pray. A lot! And I know that helps, even if I don't see immediate results.

I find a lot of peace in my own back yard. There is always something pretty to see.

My aim has been to always have something in bloom.

I don't always succeed, but usually there is something if you look hard enough. :)
And it helps me to have that bit of beauty stored up to take with me.
Hope you're having a good week.
Hugs and kisses,