I saw the sweetest little crocheted birdies over at
Attic24. You should hop over and take a look at them. Lucy does the most amazing, colorful crochet and takes wonderful pictures. It's a lovely place to visit.

Anyway, I liked her little birdies a lot, but I started thinking that they might also look pretty good out of fabric. So I used a cd as a pattern and cut around that for the fabric circles.

Then I went to my supply cabinet to see what I could find to accessorize. (Yes, that is Mr. Homer Pigeon. He's been hiding behind the glass since Chloe moved in, and I don't blame him a bit.)

I had a lot of fun playing, I mean sorting through my buttons to see what I could use. My mother used to allow us children to play with her button box once in a while. It was a treat! Just letting buttons fall through your fingers onto the table felt as good to us as Scrooge's coins did to him.
I made this little girl first. She's modeling on the sewing room wall right now since it's night (or I should say early morning) time now. I think I will hang them in the window tomorrow so I can have something else to see.

And here is her sister. Mine aren't nearly as cute as Lucy's, but I still like them.

This package arrived for me this afternoon. Notice that it came to Texas all the way from Australia!

Look, there's even a boomerang sticker on the back!

And inside, all kinds of goodies. I have been really privileged to meet
Margaret here in blogland. Don't you just love how you can get to know a little bit about people all over the world from right in your own place! Margaret and I have been commenting and emailing back and forth for a while. She is very involved there in Geelong with the Leukaemia Foundation.
See the little Aussie Bear pins? They are part of a series of badges to raise money for Leukaemia Foundation work. I liked that Margaret wrote a little note on the back. The one on the top right is the Aussie Bush bear. She says he has corks on his hat to keep the flies away. There's a really pretty piece of glittery fabric that might just turn into a scarf of some sort. :)

And three keychains shaped like Australia. I've already snagged the one with kangaroos and put my keys on it, and our pretty daughter claimed the blue one which has koalas. There was also a pretty piece of needlework for me to do, but you can only see the very corner of it. But my favorite thing is that Margaret sent me a cd with her memoirs on it. I do so love to read people's memories of bygone days and hers are fascinating! I've only read the first fifteen pages, and I want to read more.
Thank you again and again, Margaret, for your generosity, but most of all for trusting me with your memories.
To the rest of you, thank you for being my friends as well. You are precious to me!
Hugs and kisses,