I had such a nice surprise in the mail yesterday. My friend Margaret had sent me such sweet, thoughtful gifts.
Margaret had written on her blog awhile back about making some hats, and I thought it was such a neat idea. She gives a link to the tutorial on that post. I did try my hand at it, but my one effort did not look anything like as good as Margaret's. Now I have one of Margaret's and I shall so enjoy wearing it in the yard! Thank you so much, dear friend!
I will SO have to incorporate this beautiful stitchery into a quilt just for me. And there's a glasses case behind that! Wowsers!

Yesterday Mr. Sweetie Pie and I went on a sort of sad errand. A lady in our church is being forced to move from her home. I think the city is condemning the property, but whatever the reason she has until Monday to get out. She told me on Sunday that she would like for me to have an antique rose that she has had growing there for the entire 48 years she has lived in that house. She told us yesterday that she had been born in a house directly across the street, and that she had grown up there. Now her house (and it's a rental) is the only one left on the street. She is moving in with one of her daughters until she decides where to go and what to do, and putting her things in storage. Anyway, we first had to trim quite a bit - it was a huge bush, and then Mr. Sweetie Pie dug it up and put it in our van. It was so big that I was able to divide the roots into three separate bushes. The one above is now on our back fence. I have another on the side of the house and the third went to live with my very sweet neighbor across the street. I also brought home a number of clippings that I will attempt to root. It would be a shame to let a survivor of a rose like this to die out! I look forward to many more years of blooms from this grandmother of roses!

It is such a beautiful day here today. The sky is that incredible blue that seems to only happen in autumn, with crisp cool breezes blowing. Right now I'm watching LOTS of sparrows outside my window. I know some people don't like sparrows, but I enjoy their antics.
There's still plenty that is pretty to enjoy in our yard. I love seeing things grow, don't you!
And just in case you're wondering how the chicks are coming along, here's a little picture of them. I went inside their pen to give you a better look, but I had forgotten a very valuable lesson: Do not approach untrained young chickens with your toes available for pecking, or it will happen. The little clip below will show you exactly what I mean.
Hope your day is full of only pretty and not painful things!
Hugs and kisses,