I finished the batik tumbler quilt last night. Here it is before washing.
And here it is in all its glory after a trip through the washer and dryer. It is SO soft and touchable. I want to keep it. But no, it is going to go to Mr. Muddling's sister, the last sibling of his who has not received a quilt from me. Can't have that, can we?
It really did turn out well, and I'm so pleased with it. I hope she'll like it. We'll have to wait until next week to get it off in the mail since we didn't get that done today.
We did, however, get all the rest of the Christmas decorations taken down and put back up into the attic. (He says I'm a slave driver. But I was right there working, too. When I pointed that out, he said that was because I was his slave. Oh, brother! How can you be a slave driver and a slave at the same time?)
Outside the front door, the wax leaf begonias are still blooming their brightest.
So far we haven't had to bring them inside, but it's just a matter of time. I'm going to enjoy them out there while I can.
Outside the sewing room window Claude is having a bite to eat. It's good to see him back out there.
We're almost done with 2011. It has been a really good year and a really terrible year. I just have to try to learn from the bad and rejoice in the good. And pray that 2012 is a good one for all of us.
I hope you have a wonderful year, full of joy and gladness.
Hugs and kisses,