Thursday, January 24, 2013


The turnip and mustard seed I planted last week have already started growing.  I do so love to see things burst through the ground from seed, don't you?

I think I may have told you before, but just in case I didn't:  Did you know that you can plant the bottom of a stalk of celery and it will sprout new stalks?  Well, you can and it does!  It's just a little extra "free" food from something you would throw out anyway.  And good for cooking.

The "Blaze" climbing rose has some pretty blooms,

and the camellia does as well.  So happy to still have flowers!

You can see the little peach tree is still happily blooming, too.
The banana trees are not faring as well, but they will be back as soon as it warms up enough.  (We're headed for upper 70's today!)

And look what has some buds - my Christmas cactus.  It's a bit late, but I'll take it anyway!
Miss Ru is still in the hospital.  I appreciate all the messages of support and prayers.  They mean a lot.
I finished sewing together the disappearing four patch top but have not had a chance to get it pressed yet.  Hopefully I can get a border on it today.  We'll see.
I hope you're having a really good day.
Hugs and kisses,


Annie said...

Yes I DO love seeing things coming through and growing! Thanks for the tip on the celery....I do that with the spring onions too.

Susie Swanson said...

It does my heart good to see all of your sprouts and buds coming out.. I'm sorry Miss Ru is still in the hospital. I will be praying for her..

*kd. said...

I love seeing the growing life. I think it helps spring some health somehow into Miss Ru. I'm sorry I've been MIA my friend. I'm sending you many hugs and prayers, prayers, prayers.

Karen said...

I always love to see new growth in the garden. All is looking good.
Best wishes to Miss Ru. And to you, too.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It is amazing to see something growing at this time of year. The flowers are certainly a bonus. I have 2 Christmas cactus with buds on them again. I guess this makes them Valentine cactus.

Prayers for miss Ru, for strength to fight her ailment.

Tami said...

I did not know that about celery!! I'm going to add that to my garden in the spring. Thanks for the tip!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Beautiful signs of spring! Prayers for Miss Ru! Have a wonderful weekend!

Tami said...

Hi Elaine! I am a recent follower. Once you wrote Ru is a hockey fan and loves purple… well that explains it all, right? LOL

BJ said...

I just now read about Miss Ru being in hospital...praying she'll be home again soon.

We've been dealing with high windchill warnings, so it is great to see that somewhere in the world new life is sprouting. I've got a four month wait to plant anything! Enjoy!

BJ said...

I just now read about Miss Ru being in hospital...praying she'll be home again soon.

We've been dealing with high windchill warnings, so it is great to see that somewhere in the world new life is sprouting. I've got a four month wait to plant anything! Enjoy!