So, this is the finished product of my idea with using the Kaffe Fassett/Philip Jacobs floral blocks alternating with red and gray hourglass blocks. I like it a lot. So much, in fact that it is going to live here! I backed it with a cozy fleece I picked up at JoAnn Fabrics a couple of weeks ago on sale. The batting I used on this one is Hobbs 80/20 blend, and it is very light. The whole quilt is lightweight, but still warm enough for a lap quilt.
Here are a few more views of it. You KNOW I like red! The one on the lower right shows what a good size it is for covering when you're on the couch. This was before I sewed the binding on it.
I had a lot of fun with this one, and I am so happy with the way it developed and grew and finished. YAY!
There were some oatmeal raisin cookies made here and Mr. Muddling and I both sinned mightily., even filched a piece of one before it made it off the cookie sheet!
I am supposed to be working on a baby quilt, but I had another idea, so I cut 48 each of these 2 1/2 by 8 1/2 inch rectangles. And now I've started sewing them together. I just don't resist the impulse to "go with it" when I get an idea. I've switched up some of the fabrics since I took the picture. Who knows, I may have another one to show you soon!
And Spring is in full glorious bloom around here and I'm loving it! I was taking pictures in the front yesterday and when I turned around, there was the neighbor's cat on our roof supervising! He is a funny boy.
I hope you're having wonderful ideas and lots of pretty things to see and enjoy!
Hugs and kisses,