Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

This was my view last  night as I worked away on a quilt. I'm getting closer, but nothing to show yet. 

This was some of what I saw this afternoon out in the back yard. We had a little bit of a freeze a couple of weeks ago. I thought everything would be finished, but it was mild enough there is plenty left to see. I was so touched at the yellow angel trumpets. You can see them pictured on the lower left. The top of the plants is just dead, but  there are again flowers blooming on the parts still alive. You can see one of the blooms directly above the lower left and more in the lower center. And would you look at that tomato in the upper center picture!!! The plants are frost burned, but still these little tomatoes are trying to grow and live. There are several on the plants. Just amazing.

This is the look I got when I walked into our bedroom the other night and turned on the light. I don't think Buddy appreciated being waked from his nap. I do love this big funny dog!

I have been doing a little cooking today. We are going to our son and daughter's house for the feast tomorrow. Other family will be there as well. Looking forward to good food and fellowship!

I hope your day is full of wonderful things. God is so good to us all, it seems every day should be a celebration of thanks!

Hugs and kisses,


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The yellow Angel Trumpets are such beautiful flowers.
I had to pick the last of the tomatoes green about 3 weeks ago when we were getting the first hard freeze. Several of them ripened and I ate the end of them last week. Now it is grocery store variety for many months.

Karen S said...

I hope you had a lovely day.
Looks like you have been busy with your sewing. There is always a lot going on.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I hope you and your family had a very happy Thanksgiving.

I love your photos of your yard.

Buddy is a beautiful dog and looks so relaxed.

Wishing you a blessed Christmas and joyful New Year.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Yes, God is good and you are right.....every day is a celebration of gratitude! Love your sweet dog! Looks like you still have some pretty plants even though it has been cold!