Believe it or not, we did finally get our Christmas tree up and decorated.
It is so nice to see the lights twinkling in the darkened room. Plus it being darkened hides all the boxes and
stuff still waiting to be displayed or put back up. You can see Ru's dog Ariel on guard duty there in front of the tree. Got to keep those intruders at bay!
I was so happy the tree was finally done that I just had to do a tiny little bit of sewing. I was intrigued with the tubes of pillowcases on
Wanda's blog and she kindly directed me to this
tube pillowcase tutorial .
I whipped this one up for Miss Ru (notice that it is purple - all three fabrics!) in no time. They are really easy.
I was working of this little baby quilt last week. It's the last of the four for the new babies at our church. I have no clue when I'll get back to it.
Because we had three boxes delivered yesterday. And last night I had these parts from the boxes out in the garage.
It seems that these wooden parts should be painted or stained to resist warping. So, since it will be going into the dining room where most of the furniture is white, I painted it all white. Do you have a tiny little clue what these are? Well, our younger daughter and her roommate have gifted me a quilting frame!!! Tomorrow Mr. Sweetie will begin assembling it, and then I'll see if I can make my old sewing machine work with it. And then, I'll have to learn how to work with all that. I am so excited. I have wanted an easier way to quilt the larger quilts, and this will, I believe, be a wonderful start.
I truly hope that your days are filled to the brim with only good things, that you are enjoying the love and fellowship of your friends and family, and that God is blessing you real good!
Hugs and kisses,