I don't know exactly how I became so fortunate as to have a friend like Margaret, but I am so thankful that I do. Margaret left a comment for me on my blog yesterday saying that she had sent me a package and that she hoped it would arrive the same day Miss Ru (our daughter Ruthie) got home from the hospital.
I have been the recipient of several of Margaret's beautiful stitcheries, and I treasure each one. She suggested that I might put this one into one of my quilts. Selfishly, I don't know if I could bear to part with it, and we all know my quilts tend to leave home.
Miss Ru claimed the blue bag right away which leaves me very happily with the floral one. Both of them are perfect.
We had to try the Australian biscuits right away. The top package. Oh my, talk about good! I don't think we have anything exactly like that here.
So many pretty things in this package,
You know, Margaret got her wish, too, because the package arrived today shortly after Mr. Muddling brought Miss Ru home from the hospital. Excellent timing. We all enjoyed seeing the treasures from a dear friend far away.
Miss Ru is doing very well. Glory to God! We'll have about a week of at-home IV antibiotic medications and then she can get back to her life.
I am so thankful for so many things. God is so incredibly good to us in so many ways. So many of the dear, dear friends I've discovered here in blogland are definitely one of those ways. Thanks to all who have prayed for Miss Ru. I know a very wise woman who always says, "Prayer moves the hands that move the world."
You know I love you, and I pray for you, too. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hugs and kisses,