Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Little Sewing

The blocks for this quilt are all made.  Now to get them sewn together.

In my cleaning of the sewing room the other night I found a coupe of very nice sample pieces of upholstery fabric.  I made Bruno and Lady each a bed.  They're not really mad at each other, just at me for making them sit for their picture.

I backed the dog beds with purple fleece and filled them both with leftover batting.  So, both were pretty well free.  I like that.  Free is my favorite word!

I also like (a LOT) this yellow Angel Trumpet outside our back door.  We had some very cold weather this week, believe it or not, near freezing.  I am thankful none of the pretty flowers that have begun their career this year were harmed. 
I know that all too soon it will be the heat of Summer, but right now I'll just be thankful for the almost perfect weather we are having.  I hope it's nice where you are, too!
Hugs and kisses,


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I have seen the prices on dog beds. Free is so much better!

I love the yellow Angel Trumpet. Do the flowers last a long time?

Karen said...

Great work finishing the blocks.
Love the idea of the dog beds made out of all the supplies you already had. Great!
Enjoy the milder weather while you can.

Annie said...

Love your trumpets in yellow...mine are supposed to be apricot, but came out more a pink tinge. Still beautiful

magnoliasntea said...

Love those quilt blocks! I'm working on my third quilt so not having seen many finishes I admire them greatly.
Beautiful trumpets!

Thimbleanna said...

Wow -- such a deal -- I'll bet the dogs were happy. And your yello trumpets are beautiful!

*kd. said...

Free dog beds! Yippie. :)

Love love love those pretty trumpet vines and so glad they were burned by the cold.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I love that quilt. May I ask what the name of that pattern is. I think it may well go on my bucket lust. You inspire me!

Those yellow trumpets are so pretty!

Bet the dogs were happy with their new beds. ;-)

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

List, not lust. Oooops

Susie Swanson said...

You did a great job on those quilt pieces and the little beds. They look like they are at home.. I used to have some of those Trumpets but something happened to them over the years.. I have some of the smaller purple ones still.. I save the seed from them each year..We are still cold here.. Hopefully in another week or so they said it would warm up.. I've always heard that when there's an early Easter, Spring will be late.. Hope you have a Blessed Easter

BJ said...

Near Freezing! Oh my, how do you cope?? LOL! Just trying to be funny here in the deep freeze. Love the dog beds, I need to make one of those.

Sheila said...

Nice dog beds. Beautiful yellow trumpet flowers.