Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Hmmmmm, what is that behind the bird feeder??

It is the back of a new quilt.  What a surprise.

And here is the front.  This little baby quilt finishes at 49 inches square.  It is the disappearing nine patch I was working on a while back made from charm packs that I've had for a long time.  I added a couple of borders and it looks pretty good to me.

I finally got an extension table for the bed of my longarm, so I was able to use the circle template.  I had to take a break from this quilt I've been working on to play with it.  You know. 

Here's a shot as I was quilting it.  It was a lot of fun!

You know that here in the land of Muddle we have chickens.  I am allowing the girls to free range in the back yard for a good part of each day now and they are loving it!  They are right outside my window once again, just like in this picture.  I love hearing their contented little murmurs as they go about their chicken-y business.

This big kalanchoe out in front is starting to bloom.

And the Carolina jessamine on the lattice is really putting on a show!

I was looking at the azaleas just a bit ago and I think we'll have blooms on them soon if we don't get another freeze.  It is so good to see things start to come to life again!  We're getting a nice rain shower right now and it will cool down a little then.  

The world IS so full of a number of things, as Robert Louis Stevenson so famously said, that we all should be as happy as kings.  I am happy, and so thankful for so many things.  I hope you are, too.

Hugs and kisses,


Kathy ... aka Nana said...

It'll be another couple of months at least before our azaleas bloom (if they survived our extreme cold this winter). I love that circle quilting pattern! I've seem a lot of circles being quilted lately ... I need to add circles to my quilting repertoire. ;-)

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I like your new header photo. As we go below 0 again this week I'll remember your blooms.

I like the little noises chickens make as they investigate too. They sound so contented.

Susie Swanson said...

That is a gorgeous quilt. Our Azaleas haven't even thought about blooming yet. I'm so glad you have a touch of spring. Hugs and blessings.

*kd. said...

Love the circles. Your quilting is so fun and you do such pretty, creative work. It's enjoyable to watch each new quilt come off the Longarm!!!

Karen said...

That's a lovely little quilt. The Disp 9 Patch works so well. And I think the circle quilting looks great!
You are right about the chicken sounds - it is a very contented noise.
Lovely to see the garden coming into bloom.

Sheila said...

DP9-patch quilts are so much fun. Love the circle quilting. You go girl!

Carolyn Sullivan said...

I Love to see some one is enjoying spring! it's so cold here I can hardly stand it. but I know in a few weeks we will be warming up.... just seems like the NEVER ENDING WINTER. LOL
I love your Circles! I'm not good enough to quilt in a designated design yet. marked designs seem to lose it. and get all squiggly.

Empty Closet Quilting said...

Love that circle quilt and photos of your plants. I'm in the frozen Midwest and a teensy bit jealous!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Such a pretty quilt........that backing material is beautiful. Where did you get that?? No wonder you are getting such good blooms.......my husband was in training for his job and had to be there in Houston and it rained on him pretty much of the week. All looks beautiful!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Lovely quilt and beautiful blossoms!

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh, I'll bet it's getting beautiful and spring-like there now. We were in Oklahoma last week and it was 72 on Friday -- just beautiful!

Your little quilt is adorable. As always, I have longarm envy!!!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

This is a gorgeous quilt. I love the colors, fabric, and pattern. Your flowers and plants are lovely, too. It's wonderful to enjoy all the beauty about us. I'm so happy that spring is coming soon!

eva said...

so much to be thankful for - indeed. we forget that too often...
besides patching and quilting, i sing.... and i'm always drawn to songs that speak of thanks and appreciation for what we have.... there are a few out there....
love your blog..... and your "children"....