I finally finished this king size batik for a friend of ours. And she liked it. Which is a very good thing! I had finished the quilt top quite a while ago, I just couldn't seem to get myself to do the quilting. But I finally did, and I am so glad!

I really like how all the colors and patterns played together. It is a free pattern from American Patchwork and Quilting called Juxtaposition. Super easy to make and a good way to use up some of those batiks I've been hoarding for so long!
Meanwhile, here at Muddle Manor some of the things that are making me really happy (Left to right, top, and then left to right, bottom):
Spirea (or bridal veil) in bloom, a little owl our daughter Mary made for me many years ago sitting on a little twig chair, resin bird on nest, our redbud tree in glorious bloom, the cutest little fawn on my bookcase, the first dogwood bloom of the year and last but not least, Dinah on the back of the porch swing on our patio. She had been afraid of that swing forever, but obviously she has overcome that! Good girl!
This is what I'm working on now. I've a long way to go to make it as big as I want. I think I'll need sixty blocks. I have thirty-six so far. It IS fun to see quilts grow and evolve.
Houston has decided that it's time for Spring, or maybe Summer, so that's what we're having this week. Next week, who knows! We've been working outside, and there is a lot to get done out there.
I hope it is wonderful where you are and that you are having lots of fun. I believe in having fun!
Praying for you all!
Hugs and kisses,