Friday, August 16, 2024

Moving Along

Greetings from Houston in the very hot summertime!
First of all I'd like to show you this baby quilt. It is made from the generously provided instructions of Mary Johnson. I have learned so much from her over the years, and I really appreciate how she shares with others. I left off the outer borders to give it a more modern look. It is made primarily from half square triangles which I cut with my Studio Cutter.
This one goes to our great niece who has a little boy due the end of this month. The green backing is a very soft flannel. These are the colors she wanted and I hear she likes it a lot!
Little glimpses of what is happening at Muddle Manor. Slowly but surely we are getting things repaired and all the mess cleared. It is a big job! In the meantime, there are always pretty things to see and quilts to be made. The one on the lower left is on the quilt frame now, and I should finish it soon. The wooden fence on the east side of the house has been replaced and the chickens are enjoying its shade. Their house is a long way from where we want it, but they can be closed in safely at night and they have the back yard to roam in for now.

I haven't shown Buddy lately, but here he is, smiling to say hello! I do love this big ole dog! He is a blessing to me.
I hope there are blessings aplenty where you are living! God is still on His throne, and He is still good!
Hugs and kisses,



Gene Black said...

The baby quilt is lovely. Do you do the quilting yourself?

Julie said...

Hello Elaine - I love the baby quilt you have made & especially love the colour palette & the soft green backing - how special 💚. I am pleased to read you are getting the back yard back to normal - these things can take a long time & feel overwhelming at times. Yes I can see Buddy smiling - what a delightful face. Have a great week Elaine xx

Jeanna said...

That quilt is perfect for a baby boy. I love that it is a mix of traditional and modern. Your Buddy is a handsome fella, love his smile.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Monday, Elaine. I hope your week is off to a very lovely start. That is one fabulous quilt! Congratulations on the upcoming new arrival to the family. Sounds like you have been staying very busy with all sorts of projects. Such a sweet photo of your hen. I just love chickens. Buddy is adorable too. Have a great week. Hugs and Blessings.

Karen S said...

That is a delightful baby quilt. What a special gift.
I do agree that Mary is very generous with her patterns and tips.
Good to see the repair process is continuing around your home.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What a beautiful baby quilt. Your flowers are lovely, too. What a nice photo of Buddy.
Yes, God is still on the throne. All if well.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such a sweet photo of Buddy. Repair work and clearing work is such hard work. There is so much to be done here........and I use the Texas heat as an excuse to put it off till another day. I thought of you just a few days ago.........we went on a trip to Hawaii with our daughter and there were beautiful plumeria trees growing with their lovely white blossoms. The baby quilt is so very pretty! Stay cool and enjoy these last summer days!