Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pretty Flowers

The African violets on my kitchen windowsill are blooming their little hearts out right now.  I guess they feel Spring in the air, even from inside the house.

It just makes me happy to see pretty flowers in as many places as I can get them.

 The azaleas are in full, glorious bloom outside, so of course I have a few of the flowers on the kitchen countertop.
Not flowers, but still  pretty - today's egg harvest.

One of the azalea bushes in the front yard.  Sorry, I waited a bit late (after six) and the light was not that good.  This one, for some reason, has two different kinds of blooms on the same bush.

I got this little baby girl quilt top sewn together last night.  It was not quite as easy as I thought it would be to get Margaret's beautiful stitchery in there perfectly, but I finally did it.

Her stitching is really exquisite, and you might be able to see there at the bottom, I added a line of decorative machine stitching all around the edge.  I really like how this one is working, so far.  I plan to get it put together and quilted tonight.  I have the backing picked out already.

I'm not sure exactly how I did it, but I let this little quilt get out of here Sunday without getting its final portrait taken.  Bummer!

This is as close as we get.  At least you can see the front, the binding, and the  Victorian circus print on the back.  The little boy, our great-nephew, will have it by now.  His Grandmother, Mr. Muddling's sister, was in town for a few days and we had a family get together here at Muddle Manor on Sunday.  Lots of fun, food and people.  We do not have a big house, but we do have a lot of fun.  
There is an older song titled, I Hope You Dance, that I like.  Try something new. Let your creativity shine.  Dance!

Hugs and kisses,


Thimbleanna said...

You have a green thumb Elaine! Those flowers are beautiful. And your quilts are looking great too. I like the border you decided on for the little embroidery. I LOVE that little victorian backing on the quilt that got away!

Susan said...

Your African Violets are gorgeous. I used to grow them and should again. Another beautiful quilt, too, you do such wonderful work.

Oiyi said...

I love African Violets. Sadly, I have never managed to keep them alive. I have a black thumb.

The baby quilt is precious!