Update on mystery bird. I still don't know what it is. This is a picture I took last year of one of the grown-ups. There are several of them that have moved into our suburban neighborhood. They are BIG, about 2 to 3 feet tall! Our neighbors across the street have been keeping their eyes on a nest these birds built in a pine tree. Maybe our little guy came from there. He was still all right the day before yesterday. I saw him that next morning alive and well, and strolling around the back yard. I haven't seen him since then, but there are places he can hide, and I'm hoping he's in one of those. I have water out for him.
Have a great day!
A friend sent me this video today. She said that it was put together by a 15-year-old girl. It is a masterful job - haunting song with pictures and a plea to remember (and honor) those serving in our military. I agree. It is such a sacrifice for each and every one of them, and whatever their reasons for enlisting - at the heart of it is a love of country.
I love my country, too. I'm proud of all the men and women who serve her so selflessly. I pray for them. I support them. God bless them each and every one.
I lightly browned them, then lowered the heat and covered the skillet and let it cook, turning the vegetables now and then.
Once they were nicely done, I added some sliced ham cut in strips about 1 inch by 2 inches, covered again and let that meld its flavors.
Then I added a small can of mushroom slices, drained, and let that heat through.
While all that had been minding its own business getting ready, I had prepared this pretty salad.
So, here we have it: my new dinner creation! I've recently discovered the joys of tarragon vinegar and olive oil for a salad dressing. I recommend it! And have you seen these sea salt and pepper grinder/shakers? They're the best.
After all that I decided to cook some dessert. I had some dried apple slices, and those I put in a skillet, covered them with water and simmered until they plumped. I then added about a quarter cup of sugar and a tablespoon of cinnamon and simmered some more.
While that was cooling, I made up some plain pie pastry, rolled it out and cut in 4 inch circles. I heated about a half inch of canola oil in a skillet. (Can you tell that I really love cast iron skillets?) On one pastry circle I put two of the cooked apple slices and then covered that with another pastry circle, crimped around the edges and cooked it in the canola oil, turning once.
It was really good. I had vanilla ice cream with mine.
My grandmother used to make these little fried pies for us when we were kids. We loved them. The dried apples give them a more authentic flavor for me, but you could just use canned pie filling if you didn't want to go to that extra bit of trouble.
Enjoy your evening, and I hope you've had something really good to eat, too!