I had thought I would show you the fabrics I had selected to piece for the back of the quilt I'm making. The orange print is what I'm planning to use for binding, and the darker fabric on the upper left is actually a rich, deep purple. I tried taking the picture in several different places and it still looks blue.
But I was on a roll last night and finished the back, pinned it all together and now I'm ready to quilt it!! Yay!

This is what's left of that big, beautiful angel's trumpet outside my sewing room. It just makes me sad every time I see it.
But look! There's hope and new growth coming out right there at the bottom. This plant (tree, really) was twisted badly when Hurrican Ike paid us a visit a couple of years ago. That's why it has a piece of metal there next to it. I had to sort of prop it up, but it recovered beautifully and gave me a lot of joy last year.
Here's another Ike survivor - my fig tree. It was HUGE before the storm, but afterward it had been twisted almost out of the ground. We had to cut it back drastically to save it, but you can see that it's putting those branches back and is starting to leaf out again. Along about July we'll have figs! I like to eat them fresh off the tree. Yum!
Now that my ginger lilies have all been taken down, I can see the neighbor's orange tree back there. I want one of those, too!
And look at my little plum tree. I'm so excited about this one. I have high hopes for some plums for the first time this year.
I got some more of the seedlings I had started planted out, including this hanging basket of nasturtiums. Spring is definitely in the air here. It's quite warm today with a gentle breeze. Love it!!!
Look at these little woodland violets peeking up from all the dead leaves. Aren't they sweet?

And here's what I see when I walk into my kitchen. We've only had a few flowers on this camellia so far. It's still very young. But what beautiful flowers they are!

Here's a shot of it outside where you can really see how pretty it is. Hard to believe it's only one flower, isn't it?
Enjoy YOUR day!
Hugs and kisses,