Saturday, January 19, 2019

Winter Is Finally Arriving

We had a cold front blow in early this morning. Temperatures have been steadily dropping all day. The weatherman says it will freeze tonight, and we've got strong winds as well. I guess we've escaped it for long enough for one year, but I cannot say I'm looking forward to waking up in the morning and seeing all the pretty things out there today looking not nearly so pretty tomorrow! But such is life. Nothing is forever!

Do you see my beautiful Buddy? I do love that dog. What a gift he has been to me.  And speaking of gifts, look what Mr. Muddling did. He laid a little extension to our patio of bricks. That will help a lot with the mud usually there from our darling chickens wreaking havoc! We have a bird feeder right outside that door and enjoy seeing the birds there every day. Of course when the chickens come out they have to "clean up" any seed left behind by the birds.

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend and lots of fun!

Hugs and kisses,


Susie Swanson said...

I figured you already got the cold weather. It's on the way here and we've had a very rainy day but the coldest air of the season yet is on it's way. Stay warm and take care. Still praying for you.

Karen S said...

Sounds like a very chilly time.
Nothing to do but stay inside and keep warm - and maybe sew!